Table of Contents
- Author
- Data structure to handle Author
- Catalog
- Data structure to handle Catalog
- Contributor
- Data structure to handle Contributor
- DateTimeRange
- Data structure to handle DateTimw range
- Depth
- Data structure to handle Depth value
- DepthRange
- Data structure to handle depth range.
- Epicenter
- Data structure to handle epicenters
- LatLon
- Data structure to handle Latitude,Longitude point
- LatLonRange
- Data structure to handle Latitude,Longitude bounding box
- Location
- Data structure to handle Location
- Magnitude
- Data structure to handle magnitude type and value
- MagnitudeRange
- Data structure to handle magnitude range
- Quake
- Data structure to handle information about earthquakes
This object must be instantiated only with quake data
- Radius
- Data structure to handle Latitude,Longitude point
- RadiusRange
- Data structure to handle Radius range